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Friday, April 19 2024 @ 06:58 AM CEST

How do I create a colour scheme or modify mine

:hi NonText ctermfg=darkgrey guifg=darkgrey
:hi clear SpecialKey
:hi link SpecialKey NonText

You may place them in your vimrc, or (maybe better) in a newly-created colourscheme: start with whatever colourscheme you're already using, copy it under a different name (but keeping the .vim extension) to ~/vimfiles/colors (on Windows) or to ~/.vim/colors (on Unix), then add the above lines. If you aren't using any colorscheme yet, you can use the folowing as a source of inspiration, change it to your heart's delight (and see ":help :colorscheme" about how to invoke it):

Antoine Mechelynck

FAQ Manager » Vim » How do I create a colour scheme or modify mine